Katrin Funcke, Illustration
Katrin Funcke draws and paints in Berlin, Germany.
You will recognize her work in ad campaigns, books and magazines all over the world.
It is either bold or elegant – or both.
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Her prints are available here.
Contact: mail@katrinfuncke.de // BUERRO in der Kupferfabrik // Brückenstraße 1 // 10435 Berlin // Germany
Katrins illustrative work is represented by art act
BBDO, Christ, Daimler AG, Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, F.A.Z., Fräulein, Jo Malone, JungvonMatt, Heineken, MAC Cosmetics, Madeleine Fashion, Mccann Ericsson, Mercedes Benz, Nestlé, Nokia, STERN, The New York Times, The Walrus, UFA, Variety
2021 Fida Fashion Illustration Drawing Award;
winner of Avant Garde award and overall winner 2021
2006 Artist's Award of North Rhine-Westphalia
2002 ADC Germany, Gold Medal for Mercedes Benz Calendar
2000 ADC Germany Junior Award Distinction Merit for Silk Screen series
»My Favorite Things
Eine verbogene Geschichte // bahoe books 2024
ZU MENSCH – Skizzen und Blicke zurück auf Herbert Grönemeyers Album Mensch // Verlag Antje Kunstmann, 2022
Der Leselebenstintensee // Verbrecher Verlag 2021
Paula - Requiem für eine Freundin, Agogo Verlag, 2018
Rheinsberg ein Bilderbuch für Verliebte, Eigenverlag, 2014
Mut und Anmut, Künstlerhaus Schloß Wiepersdorf 2011
Die Welt umwälzen, Freies Deutsches Hochstift, 2010
Paula - Requiem für eine Freundin // Galerie Mitte Bremen, 2018
Rheinsberg // Galerie erstererster, Berlin, 2014
Holy Wednesday // Galerie erstererster, Berlin, 2013
Frauen in Wiepersdorf // Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf 2010
Die Welt umwälzen // Frankfurter Goethemuseum, 2009 // Künstlerhaus Schloß Wiepersdorf, 2009
Künstlerinnenpreis des Landes NRW 2006 // Galerie Ludwig, Schloss Oberhausen, 2006
Illustration 2006 // Zeche Zollverein Essen, 2006
Postsport // Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg, 2006
Katrin ist part of BETTINE, a group of artists, working on collaborative art projects once a year. BETTINE are Kristina Heldmann, Ute Helmbold, Stephanie Guse, Stefan Michaelsen and Katrin Funcke.
In 2022 Katrin joined "¡Vamos Simbiosis! – Creating a partnership with the sea through the arts and science", an interdisciplinary think tank to save the mediterranean.
Her working space is in a studio called BUERRO in the heart of Berlin with brillant and friendly creative professionals from different fields of expertise. Check them out.
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